Monday, October 03, 2005

Can we do September Again?

Well, this is primarily a Poker Blog, and what a month September was for me.

As you know, I withdrew some money from my on-line bankroll to give live poker a fair go.

After a fairly slow start and some incredible bad beats, I've been on an amazing run. Of my last 10 live tournaments, I've made 9 final tables !

Last Sunday I was down home and made the final table in a pub tourney in Kitimagh, playing with Louis Walsh's brother on my table most of the night. Lost a huge pot on the second last table so limped onto final table very low stacked but managed to win a free ticket for the next time I'm down ... 8th out of 46 runners.

Thursday, I was in town in the afternoon and decided to play the Fitz freeroll, the €270 game was taking place afterwards, I won a ticket there at the freeroll, so very happy, however decided to leave it in credit and play it next month (October) as I was feeling a little tired and wanted to get home to some nice home made me, Lasagne, my favourite! Kinaldo from Boards also won a ticket, and Doc Farrell went out around 11th or 12th.
And last Friday night, to top it all off, I won again at the AUL taking home €800. There's talk of moving from the AUL due to poor taxi access, but I can't complain about the place. Played 2, Won 2 ! Big Dragon from Boards was 3rd, I'm afraid I took him out, but put his chips to good use. Heads Up I was 3/1 down starting off, but after 10 mins or so, I felt I had the upper hand, and just ground my opponent down with constant pressure. I felt I had a good read on him as well, so I knew when to drop the cards when he came back at me.

The heads up was very enjoyable and took about 30 mins before my A9 beat his Q6 when he made his deperate last attempt to double up.

All in all for the month of September, I cleared over €3300 profit which is just brilliant.

However, Ollie Boy makes that look like peanuts ! Ollie won the Speed Poker open in the UK for STG £50000 ! He qualified through a $4 satellite, won his heat and semi final and obviously the final as well. He said he will give me a DVD of the series, as I have NTL and not Sky so I don't have the Poker Channel. what a result !

Another lad from, Imposter won a trip to Vegas !

The guys on Boards are going to be serious players in the future !

Forest seemed to have turned the corner at long last, and are looking like they should be there or there abouts at the end of the season pushing for promotion. I'll keep my feet on the ground for a while yet, but it makes a change to have some sort of promise at last.

Next weekend Sherwin is off on a hen weekend to London, I'm going to Liverpool to the stag the weekend afterwards, so busy time ahead.

I think I'll play the Sunday €30 fFreezeout for the first time when Sherwin is away , as well as my Friday AUL game, if it's still going ahead there. Rounders123 won that a couple of weeks ago, and it is supposed to be a great tourney.

Playing a wee bit of on-line poker again, Betfair STT's, going to be disciplined and try and work up a nice big wad of money to have a great blow out of a Christmas! No Messing about, I'm on a mission !

Radio Campaign starts tomorrow on Newstalk , so here we go with, it's time to tell the public !


At 4:10 PM, Blogger J.p. said...

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At 2:29 AM, Blogger Rounders123 said...

well done on the freeroll ticket, didnt know about that. you done the right thing by not playing in the big one till next time. i think you have to be real fresh to have a good chance of going deep there.


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